Exercises for drawing techniques

As we all know, practice makes perfect.

Here you will find a collection of exercises and lessons that will help you practice the basic skills you need for drawing.

These include: recognizing the shape and orientation of objects, correctly evaluating and drawing distances, angles, and directions, "reading" surfaces, and recognizing and mapping differences in brightness.

The exercises can also help you with such difficult challenges as perspective, light and shadow, or drawing materials, glossy surfaces and reflections.

The exercises are focused on the most important skills needed for drawing – whether you want to draw from reality or bring images from your imagination to paper.

If you repeat these exercises regularly, over time you will improve your skills and eventually be able to make the drawings of your dreams!

If you're looking for inspiration and ideas what you can do with all these techniques, have a look at the inspiration .

Spaces, points and lines

With these exercises you train your sense for spaces, learn to set and hit auxiliary points and to draw straight lines.
Available soon

Angles and planes

Exercises on angles, angle relationships and basic angular shapes are available here:
Available soon

Mastering basic shapes

You can do all sorts of things with basic angular shapes: divide, tilt, rotate, combine and much more. You can find the perfect exercises for this here.
Available soon

Curves and circles

Exercises on curves, curved surfaces and circles
Available soon


Now it gets harder: Ellipses are one of the most important things you have to be able to draw! Here are the exercises for it:
Available soon

Bright and dark

Train your eye for different brightness gradations with these gradient exercises.
Available soon

Textures and materiality

With these exercises you can improve your handling of textures.
Available soon

Body and orientation

Exercises on bodies, their orientation in space and the intensification of three-dimensionality.
Available soon

Texture and surface

Now it's time to get down to business: exercises on the three-dimensionality of surfaces and textures
Available soon

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